Music and its Effects محبوب

  • Music and its Effects
Music and its Effects
Title: Music and its Effects
Author(s): A. H. Sheriff
Publisher(s): Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania
Category: General Youth General Important notice: DISCLAIMER:
The information presented in this DIGITAL EDITION is for information purposes only and should not be used to determine current Islamic legal opinions on the topic at hand nor as a definitive position of the teachings of Islam as conveyed through the Prophet (s) & the Ahlul Bayt (as).
Featured Category: Muslim Practices
This book Contains these titles:
ID book؛ point؛ Foreword؛ What is Music?؛ Origin of Music؛ Effects of music on Nervous System؛ Some other Ailments and Music؛ From Philosophical Point of View؛ From the Ethical Point of View؛ Effect on the Children؛ The Quran on Music؛ Some Traditions on Music؛ Music as per the Companions of the Holy Prophet (S)؛ Music in the Light of Traditions؛ Music and the Last Epoch؛ Singing and Adultery؛ Effects of Music؛ Musicians Fate؛ Influence of Music؛ List of the Books referred to
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